السبت، 27 نوفمبر 2010

Appropriate times to drink water

Time to drink water ..

 Will maximize its effectiveness on the human body ..

(2) glass of water after waking up from sleep - helps to stimulate blood circulation.

Cup (1) of water - half an hour before a meal - helps digestion.

Cup (1) of water - before taking a bath - helps to lower blood pressure.

Cup (1) of water - before sleep - avoid stroke or heart attack.

A Mysterious Tree

I found this tree vs Andhra Pradesh - India
Tree, which is called Bobab, and are found in abundance in this state which have a large Bjzaha is the only of its kind
And we are talking about the tree is a tree found inscriptions reflect more kinds of animals
The Alien that these patterns are perfect wondrous
Worse than this he did not know whether it is man-made or committees

الجمعة، 26 نوفمبر 2010



Born 356 B.C. - Died 323 B.C.
Μέγας Αλέξανδρος

                I live in Alexandria. How much is a wonderful country. So it should know why so named
Governor of the Macedonian Empire, compelling the Persian Empire and one of the smartest and greatest warlords throughout the ages.
Alexander the Great is not Zulkarnain
Some people confuse between Alexander the Great, known in Western history and of all centuries, who cut the experience of God in the Koran. Valixander Macedonian ruling Greece before Christ, peace be upon him, nearly three centuries, and was on the religion, paganism, and his minister philosopher Aristotle famous, and Aristotle, as is well known from atheists philosophers, unlike the famously professorship Socrates and Plato, they were believed in the existence of God, but Aristotle would deny the existence of a Creator of this the universe. The Zulkarnain was centuries before the Macedonian, and was a believer and think is most likely that a provision in the Aiaoofriqia, and the view of many Arab historians that a centuries was the property of Arab